Category: volunteering

November 6 is coming: here’s what you need to know

Vote, vote, vote, vote, VOTE!

Sweet volunteering gig alert: Help these kids become published writers before middle school

We like to keep you posted on volunteer opportunities that are worthwhile, and one of our favorites is coming up…

Help out the Narrows Botanical Garden, be a greeter on weekends!

Like green space in Brooklyn but don't quite have it in you to create your own community garden? Makes sense,…

Want Fort Tilden back faster? Now you can help clean it up!

We were all bummed to learn that Fort Tilden would be closed this summer because of that dickhead hurricane Sandy,…

Now’s your chance to roll with the Volunteer Library Brigade

Out on these hard streets, there's no better way to earn cred than talking about books, giving away literature and…

Save our beaches, volunteer at Gateway National Parks

We're pretty bummed that Fort Tilden will be closed all summer, but while lots of beaches were devastated during Hurricane…

Time to clean up Prospect Park…and get a free brunch too

Don't let the blizzard-y snow fool you, get you down, or instill apocalyptic climate change thoughts in your head -…

Be a Santa to a Sandy-affected kid, even if you’re a grinch

Get ready to tear up. Brooklyn's Catholic Charities is collecting Christmas gifts for school kids in Red Hook affected by…