Category: tv

Apply now to be a BK public-access TV star this summer

Who hasn’t seen Wayne’s World and thought to themselves, Man, they had it all!  If having your own public access…

How to watch HBO’s Girls… without HBO?

Either you really do believe Lena Dunham (center, above) is the voice of our generation, or you’re one of her…

Someone actually from 11223 reviews Brooklyn 11223

What's right and wrong about Brooklyn 11223, the new Bay Ridge-based reality show on Oxygen.

MTV loves them some Brokesters too

Brokesters are the new Jersey mooks. Exhibit B: a trailer for I Just Want My Pants Back, a new MTV…

Does 2 Broke Girls pass the Brokelyn test?

You’ve known about the concept of being broke in Brooklyn for years. But with this fall’s CBS show 2 Broke…

Got bedbugs? Get on Animal Planet

We've already told you plenty about bed bugs: from avoiding hand-me-down critters and shopping without fear to getting rid of them on…

Vote a Sheepshead short into the PBS spotlight

A few TV time slots each week are pretty much guaranteed to steer well-clear of the usual programming gutter. Take…

Brokelyn poll: How do you take your Mad Men?

Love watching Don Draper struggle with his gorgeous wife, prestigious clients, and of course… himself? Then you must be rich,…

Documentary wants in on your Brooklyn lovin’

What is Brooklyn love? Is it some near-impossible fantasy ideal? Or is it something else entirely, something a few roses…

New Apprentice casting the down and out

Quit your arduous job search, stop the interviews and pull down that LinkedIn profile, brokesters, because your get-rich scheme has…