Category: Stuff we love

13 reasons why fall rocks in Brooklyn

You know those cheery Christmas loving freaks who cram holiday spirit down your throat as soon as September hits? Screw…

10-year-old’s new comic series ‘Kid Brooklyn’ asks: What does a real Brooklyn superhero look like?

In an age where Brooklyn mocking has become its own art form — rather poorly achieved, most of the time —…

Walk the vote: 7 reasons you should try canvassing if you like politics, fitness or cool first dates

I know for a fact that some of you, despite repeated illustrated reminders, are bummed about having missed the registration deadline to…

Jimmy McMillan doll searches for rent that isn’t ‘too damn high’ in this creative photo series

Everybody knows Jimmy McMillan. More meme than man, McMillan rose to notoriety for his public persona as the best-loved leader of…

Don’t be a scrub! Help TLC record their final studio album

You might remember them as the powerful R&B lady trio that brought you "No Scrubs" and "Unpretty." Or you might…

Remember the March on Washington through the eyes of the Huxtables

Fifty years ago today, Martin Luther King, Jr. gave one of, if not the most, iconic speeches in American history.…

O, happy day: Watch this Garfunkel and Oates video about anal sex

We've  been having a pretty good time watching "religious values" flounder in the face of a little thing called the…

Finally, a goofy, funny tribute to the G train, in song

We were under the assumption that our poem about the wonders of the G train would never be topped. Chalk…

Bad news hipsters: the results are in, and America hates you

Bad news hipsters who've time traveled here from somewhere between 2002 and 2005: Public Policy Polling has asked Americans what…

The most Bushwick passage in the most Bushwick story, ever

Controversy in Bushwick usually sends reporters scurrying over here in search of ridiculous young people to talk to, in the…