Category: Services

Art classes in Bushwick, $13.33 an hour

This reader tip, about Rob Zeller's art classes in Bushwick, comes from someone who also has the last name Zeller.…

Send your kid to Camp Cheapawa

Choosing a summer camp for your kids strictly on the basis of price might not be the best idea. Other…

Cool Obama job of the day

From the Recovery Act jobs web site, which currently lists 127 stimulus-funded positions within NYC: Apply to become an "evidence…

Oh, the crap you can sell on Craigslist

Who knew there were so many Brooklynites willing to pay cash money for your decrepit old computers, bikes and used…

News goes good-deal-hunting in nine Brooklyn nabes

While doing the morning rounds we came across a series by Daily News reporter Denise Romano on bargain shopping in…

Where can I go for a ridiculously cheap vacation this summer?

Important bulletin: Apparently, Brokelyn.com readers don't care all that much about manners because we haven't gotten any etiquette questions. But…

(Cautionary) tale of a $10 bikini wax

At the end of last summer, I gave up getting waxed down under, mostly because I got tired of regularly…

Take a woodworking class in Gowanus

If that Times mag article about an egghead-turned-bike-mechanic has moved you to do more with your own hands, Reclaimed Home…

Reader tip: cut + color for $70 in Windsor Terrace

For years, I went to Manhattan salons ($150 a pop for a cut and single-process color) until several neighbors on…

Brooklyn hotels your relatives might not love

If you've ever been at a loss for where to stash weekend guests and wondered about those hotels you pass…