Category: Pointless amusement

What did Twitter think of the Knicks/Nets game?

So Round One of the Battle of New York went to the Nets last night. Befitting two teams that are…

Oh the places you’ll go (On the G)

The tunnel's unflooded The tracks are all dry The MTA's said, "Let us let the G fly!" You won't have…

What $752.3 million dollars could have bought us

Like the post-mortem that happens every year the Yankees don't win the World Series, it's always fun to look at…

30 rock the vote: Donaghy for mayor?

Pity poor Alec Baldwin. Poor internationally famous, wealthy actor Alec Baldwin. The latest blow to his Oliver Twist-like life has…

Get paid in beer, which violates no labor laws whatsoever

Aspiring Brooklyn comedian: do you like to drink? Of course you do. You're a comedian. But, man cannot live on…

Poet Yelp reviewer haikus their way into our hearts

Yelp can be useful for things like finding out exactly where a restaurant or bar is located or their hours,…

Fox News finally picks up a Vice

You may have missed it this weekend, but via Gothamist comes the news that billionaire tyrant Rupert Murdoch paid a…

Elmo in exile! Romney’s bold world without Sesame Street

"I'm sorry, Jim, I'm going to stop the subsidy to PBS. I'm going to stop other things. I like PBS,…

Minor leagues: The dos and don’ts of bringing your child to a bar

If there's one thing brokesters can appreciate across the board, it's bar-time — that special time, whether it's at 11pm…

Where you work = who you date, says shill for dating lobby

If Ayn Rand wrote a book about a dating service, it would probably show you this graphic when you sign…