Category: News

Dumbo’s bodega-flouting ‘artisanal mini mart’ closing after just 3 months, posts counter to Craigslist

In death, as in life, Superette refused to be called a bodega, self-identifying as a 'Candy shop' in its Craigslist…

Slope streets to close for pipe-replacement, L train ferry service plans (and more links)

Cop stole blind man's Bed-Stuy home, locals don't want Crown Heights' spice factory to be rezoned, Braven Brewing starting production…

Rally for Prospect Heights’ Bar Sepia to tomorrow as it faces closure on March 1

The neighborhood watering hole is being forced out of its home of 14 years by a landlord who has put…

A 213 pound bagel with lox was created and consumed in Greenpoint today

The loxening was quite the scene, with a full house in attendance to watch as the greatest bagel the world…

Video: What happens when you ask SantaCon Santas about racism in America

The Santas, who were also asked about their feelings on the #metoo campaign, unsurprisingly responded mostly with ignorance and blatant…

Sahadi’s expanding to Sunset Park, Gowanus tsunami alert (and more links)

Industry City is going to become home to Sahadi's second, larger location, just renovated N train stations already graffiti'd, and…

Atlantic Ave to lose 2 beloved stores (and more links)

Cuomo's misplaced New York love is getting taxpayers fined, dying hammocks in Bushwick, Forbes would like you to slow-walk across…

Union Pool hookup homages now trending on Twitter

Union Pool, AKA an expanded Terminal 5 bathroom, known by tourists and locals alike as “where the boys are”, is…

MTA requests kindness from Twitter commuters, fire inside F train (& more links)

Never tell the internet to love you more, the NYC that could have been, the future of industrial Red Hook…

Park Slope gets new vegan eatery, BK’s newest newsroom is ‘Sludge’ (and more links)

New York Magazine plasters city in celebratory mag covers, score the New York equivalent of a ‘Get out of jail…