Category: Free crap

CL freebie of the day: Your older brother’s bedroom

We just can't seem to let the 90s go here in Brooklyn: from Saved By the Bell House parties to…

Craigslist freebie of the day: A ratty little home

What turns you from a run-of-the-mill rat enthusiast into a true rat lurver? I'd guess it's probably a lot like…

CL freebie of the day: secondhand sex games

What says "I lurve you" to that special brokester more than well-meaning thriftiness? And what says well-meaning thrift more than…

Free streetside couch might not be so free

As if fears of secondhand bed bugs weren't enough, the Daily News reported yesterday about a Park Slope man hit…

Craigslist freebie of the day: Are you gonna eat my cake?

"Free" and "cake" are each wonderful words themselves, but if you put them together, BAM. FREE CAKE, FREE CAKE! You…

Craigslist freebie of the day: Warhol’s inspiration

Are you too poor for skydiving? Is human suspension too 2003? Is dumpster diving not satisfying your need for adventure…

Craigslist freebie of the day: A whole lotta sweetness

Someone went to a party in Greenpoint, got 500ml of 100 percent PURE Canadian maple syrup a gift, then, left…

Craiglist freebie of the day: bag of change/ashtray

One man's ultimate laziness is another man's beer money. This bag of change can be yours for absolutely nothing. Yes, free money.…

Ouija, hair gel and other Craigslist freebies of the day

It's hot and it's staying that way, which means people in New York are agitated, which means crime goes up.…

Win free home-brewing kits TONIGHT

St. Patrick's Day is almost here, and your choices to celebrate probably involve drinking of some kind, either by sneaking…