Category: Free crap

Craigslist freebie: Tiny mountain of 1990s Yankees newspaper clippings

Perfect for acquiring or faking a vast knowledge of the 1990s New York Yankees.

Craigslist freebie: A literal dumpster full of Telecom electronics

Why progress when you can abandon society and live among the floppy disks?

Craigslist freebie of the day: Barrels of ‘clean dirt’ (barrels not included)

We are fairly certain the space-time continuum has been breached by the paradox proposed in this Craigslist post: the concept…

Craigslist freebie of the day: A SpongeBob bouncy castle

One of the worst things about adulthood is that nobody lets you onto the bouncy castle anymore. You're just supposed…

Businessweek condescendingly offers a free subscription to millennials

In case you haven't noticed, the city is filled with a lot of rich people, many of whom are perhaps…

Craigslist freebie of the day: gallons of free eggs!

Love making omelettes but hate the act of actually breaking the eggs? That's uh, a little weird, but OK, whatever.…

Gardening tip: The Sanitation Department will comp your compost

Last year we reported that the city will subsidize your home compost bin. What most people don't know is that…

Craigslist freebie of the day: mystery boxes full of records!

Last time we had a Craigsist freebie it was definitely of the "less than useful but funny" variety. Unless of…

Comfort food: free Momofuku Milk Bar cookies this weekend

In much, much more comforting news, you can get some free cookies tomorrow, just for showing up and beng alive.…

Only on Brooklyn Freecycle

Wanted: five gallons of sour milk.