Category: Food & Drink

DiFara’s $5 slice: ‘like they dug up my Grandmother and she made the pie’

Is DiFara pizza in Midwood worth $5 a slice--or $25 for a whole pie? That's the question The Times is tackling…

$10 pork butt to feast for a dozen

We’re in the thick of barbecue season, which means if you’ve got a patch of earth, deck or roofing tar…

Home-smoking tips for cheap meat

For my adventure in backyard smoking, I figured some advice was in order. So I turned to a man who…

Free sugar high today at Tim Hortons, Starbucks

Does these look good to you? They're two kinds of blueberry donuts from Tim Hortons (you can see what The…

Most disgusting Fancy Fast Food post yet

We know we're more than slightly obsessed with Fancy Fast Food, the tumblr blog where a guy from Williamsburg takes…

Time Out vs. New York Mag: The Cheap Eats chompdown

There's probably a really juicy, petty reason why New York Magazine and Time Out put out their annual Cheap Eats…

Eight more cheap date-night ideas

After a commenter raved about the random-Brooklynite-recommended cheap-date spots we featured last month, we decided to go out and dig…

Tim Hortons vs. Dunkin’ Donuts

Your devoted scribe once spent two weeks driving through Canada with a singer-songwriter on an acoustic-duo tour, and if there’s…

Now on Fancy Fast Food: KFC corn chowder

OK, Brokelyn has a serious crush on another blog, that one where the guy from Williamsburg deconstructs fast food meals…

The Brokavore: Steak sale alert at Fairway

Prime shell steaks are going for a dirt-cheap $7.99 a pound at the Red Hook Fairway. That's less than half…