Category: event roundups

The 10 best things to do this week, demonology edition

1. Kick back and relax with $1 hot dogs with purchase of a drink all night and chill in the back…

The 20 best things to do this weekend, feline edition

Coney Island burlesque, Cat's Eye Cabaret, Meowmania, yoga in the park, and more.

The 10 best cheap things to do this week, fire edition

A happy 5k, drag kings, beer science, 1990s prom, Dolly Parton, and more.

The 20 best things to do this weekend, shred edition

The early bird gets the worm, raise some funds, learn shady history, have a perfect pairing, become a dancing queen,…

The 10 best cheap things to do this week, agenda edition

Expand your palate, mix up your signature scent, get to the knitty gritty, start the discourse, and more ways to…

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, emoji edition

1. Strap on your skates for Fix & Chill: ATL with a screening of the classic 2006 coming-of-age film ATL, and browse the…

The 10 best things to do this week, independence edition

Make use of your fire escape, tap into your creativity, have dinner with a view, careen through the pandemonium, and…

The 10 best cheap things to do this week, female reboot edition

These reboots were made for walkin', encode yourself, land a triple word score, stand clear of the closing doors, and…

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, solstice edition

Prepare to participate, cruise curated crafts, paddle on over, galavant in graveyards, death becomes you, laugh gaily, taste the fruits…

The 10 best cheap things to do this week, ecstatic edition

Don't prepare for a funeral, inclusive cartoons, gear up your fixed gear, get over the hump, stay out late, softly…