Category: Community

Merry Karma-smas: Here’s where to donate toys to the 5th annual BK Holiday Toy Drive

It's not a bad idea to build up your holiday karma before you inevitably lose points for messing with your…

Don’t mourn, organize: 8 organizations where you can volunteer if you can’t afford a donation

Dan Savage, American author, activist for the LGBTQ+ community and the voice behind Savage Love, recently posted a message to Instagram reminding the…

Turkey to happiness: Here are the things we’re thankful for in NYC this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving, America's national bird genocide holiday, is many things to New Yorkers. It's the No. 1 day for rolly suitcases on…

Get your pardon: 5 last-minute Thanksgiving karma opportunities in 5 BK neighborhoods

If you don't feel like arguing politics with family this Thanksgiving and your last-minute Friendsgiving plans have fallen through, there are…

How the rise of online dating led to the most wholesome sex parties in New York

If you’ve explored Gowanus nightlife over the last four years, chances are that you’ve stumbled into a fairy forest, all-nude…

PED (post-election depression)? Here’s where to drink, vent, dance, question or just cry in NYC

As one of the many media outlets whose general sentiment about the results of the presidential election is one of utter…

Thursday: Find out if you’re being gouged on rent, and how to fight back

Brooklyn may already be the most unaffordable place to own, but many renters are still holding out for a better…

Help North Brooklyn decide how to spend $1 million in the neighborhood

Do you live in North Brooklyn? Do you have a lot of big ideas for the neighborhood? If you checked…

Where to find free & cheap high holiday services in Brooklyn

If you don't have the dough to davin, here's our annual list of places where you can pray freely for…

One Brooklyn cyclist’s solution to dangerous intersections: DIY bike lanes

It's hard out there for a bike. New York cyclist deaths are up 25% this year, according to the Mayor's…