Category: Comedy

‘Human Telegraphs’: Would you deliver intimate messages in person to make rent?

Do you have what it takes to be a human telegraph?

Littlefield’s new location to open tomorrow

What a good day it is when we get to announce that one of our favorite local venues is ready…

Littlefield needs $4K by Thursday to relocate!

UPDATE: This is it folks, the final days of Littlefield's Kickstarter! They're less than $4,000 away from their goal and…

Facebook Live’s ‘The Unemployed Show’ or how to stop working and love your PJs

Most people think unemployment isn’t a laughing matter. Some people even won major political offices (ahem) in this country predominantly…

Spread lols it’s the Brooklyn way: Comedy Central gives half-hour specials to seven local stand-ups

Once again, Comedy Central has released their annual list of up-and-coming stand-ups getting a half-hour special on the network and this year that…

Farewell (for now) to 2 of Brooklyn’s best comedy venues

It's been a tough few months for the Brooklyn comedy scene. The city has is cracking down on DIY venues in…

‘It’s always us against the world.’ Talking with comedy power duo Kate Berlant & John Early about their new web series

John Early and Kate Berlant are a comedy duo of odd and odd that add up to a perfectly symmetrical…

Laugh Trump out of office at this new Resistance Comedy series at Union Hall

With tens of millions of Americans poised to lose their health insurance, the curative powers of laughter better start really…

Watch: What ‘La La Land’ would be like if it were set in New York City I haven't seen La La Land yet but from what I understand it's a movie about how great Hollywood and…

Watch: Comedian Scott Rogowsky clowns on Trump with more fake book covers on the subway We are coping with the upcoming Trump administration by using an alternating mix of activist rage and absurdist comedy, because…