Category: Shopping

$25-and-under gift idea #19: letterpress coasters

Before all you practical types start grousing that junk-mail envelopes and magazines make perfectly good coasters, remember that the whole…

$25-and-under Brooklyn gift #18: Scarry story book

Every day this month, we've been calling out to local merchants for great gift ideas. Today's selection is from Karen…

$25-and-under Brooklyn gift #17: crazy-cheap board games

You already know we love a good board game, so it should be no surprise that at least one would…

$25-and-under Brooklyn gift #16: travel bottles

There's nothing a miser hates more than travel-size anything, ie., getting gauged for convenience's sake. That's why we dig GoToob,…

$25-and-under Brooklyn gift #15: gallon of gravity

If only Newton had had one of these, his theory would have been such an easy sell. This $14 gallon…

$25-and-under Brooklyn gift #14: fancy letter tote

Every gal in Brooklyn needs a wardrobe of grocery totes to elevate a market run into a stylish eco moment—and…

Menswear finds at Army Navy stores

I used to think that Army Navy surplus stores were only for paranoids who only felt safe in military fatigues,…

$25-and-under Brooklyn gift #13: pigeon feather in a tube

Maybe you know a Brooklynite in absentia (they'll be back, don't worry) or maybe you're a recent arrival yourself and…

$25-and-under Brooklyn gift idea #12: boudoir mirrors

If you have a design-y friend who's been big into those mod, one-dimensional takes on fussy classics (chandelier decals on…

$25-and-under Brooklyn gift idea #11: LEGO iPod dock

Considering that LEGOs have spawned a whole sculptural movement, with some masterpieces to rival just about anything the ancient Greeks…