Category: News

Historic deals: Gay wedding discounts ahoy!

If the rainbow-colored jubilation we saw across the city this weekend is any indication, this is first of many celebratory…

Monday linkage

"Welcome margaritas upon arrival." Win. [The Luxury Spot] Bike follies now New York's funniest home videos [NYT] Smoking in the…

How to be young, broke and beautiful

For years, budget-bouncing impresario Broke-Ass Stuart has shared scores of secret power-ups and tips for stretching gold in the two…

Getting hitched? Changing your name could cost you $500K

A study by an economics research institute in the Netherlands found that women who adopted their married names, even hyphenated…

Comic books, the Craigslist of the 70s

What did people do before Craigslist, when you had to wander the dark streets looking at "for rent" signs or…

Thursday linkage

You're doing sunscreen wrong [Boing Boing] In-lope your wedding locally with affordable NYC venues [Racked] Water water everywhere, and maybe…

Last chance to volunteer for free waterfront concert tix!

Last week we told you about this awesome work-for-your-freebies deal giving free Williamsburg waterfront concert tickets to volunteers who help…

Tuesday linkage

Finally, a real reason to pay for home insurance [Gothamist] Your wedding probably needs more dumplings and exhaust fumes [WSJ]…

The internet is stalking you: Free wifi coming to BK parks

Prospect, McCarren, Fort Greene, Brooklyn Bridge and Herbert Von King parks will be hooked up with wifi thanks to AT&T…

Pick up trash, earn free waterfront concert tix

The demise of the Jelly parties ended the idyllic summer tradition of raucous, free concerts on the Williamsburg waterfront. But…