Category: News

Connection not to be missed: L train gets its own free intranet

Oh the horrors of traveling underground for your morning commute, where you're forced to read a book or magazine rather…

Sell your jolly wares at Greenpoint holiday market

Instead of yelling at 2 Broke Girls for blowing their hard-earned startup cash on a revenge fantasy, you could be…

Should you buy insurance for your iPhone?

If you're like us, you have three things of any value in your life: laptop, spacePhone and the third ...…

2 Broke Girls episode 9 recap: Herpes and more knit hats

This week's 2 Broke Girls episode almost didn't get recapped because I came very close to throwing my TV out…

Keep an eye out for sneaky new bank fees!

Today in Mr.-Burns-esque Things Big Banks Do: remember a few weeks ago when the banks announced they were backing off…

Is it time to start stockpiling peanut butter?

Should you clear a space on your storm/earthquake shelter shelf for tubs and tubs of peanut butter? Maybe. The lovable…

McRib: Food-flavored sandwich or eerie economic indicator?

Today is the last day the McRib will be available nationwide. Before you chomp into that sticky, pork-flavored food product,…

Wednesday linkage

Cops: pick a train car and stick with it [FreeWilliamsburg] Ja! Get 15 percent back on sofas [Ikea] "Do you take…

Help pick the movies for Brooklyn Bridge Park!

It's no secret that Brokelyn has a well-documented pro-outdoor summer movie bias. So here's your chance to join a team…

Occupy Brooklyn planning a weekend of action

As ze poster says, Occupy Brooklyn is having another meeting tomorrow evening, this time at Brooklyn College. And that's about…