Category: DIY

Enter GIPHY’s Halloween GIF contest with your spookiest looping creations

If watching scary movies on the big screen isn't enough to get you your Halloween fix, then consider making your…

‘Homeless comedy’ turns your living room into a comedy club

For the single New Yorker, comedy shows are one of the best excuses to get out of the house. There are always…

Measured drinking: Sign up now to take low-cost drunk music lessons in Brooklyn

Drinking and music have always been a winning pair. Just think of how good everyone sounds at karaoke after a few…

Take shelter: 11 of the best DIY beach forts at Fort Tilden

A beach day is made infinitely better with the addition of shade. If you don't own an umbrella, or you…

Tune up with tunes: 4 ways to attach a speaker to your bike this summer

Ever have something that should be played at high volume, preferably in a residential area? Not that we here at…

Home fernishings: How to turn your apartment into an oasis of greenery, and keep it alive

Know why there's no such thing as a “lamppost hugger?" Because the urban jungle isn’t something you want to embrace and…

‘One for the road:’ The etiquette of stealing a road beer as you leave a party

Well, you’re at a house party. You’re squished somewhere between a gas stove you keep igniting with your hip and…

Brooklyn has spoken: Fermenting everything is the new pickling

This weekend I went to a fermentation party in Clinton Hill. No, I'm not sorry. Despite its reputation as a yuppie/yuccies-only trend, fermentation is actually…

Dropping my phone into a toilet was a great reality check, you should try it once

On Tuesday, I was at Littlefield bar. Don't ask me what I was doing there, because the answer definitely isn't…

New app lets you turn a profit on that crazy cooking talent

Ever since we clawed our way out of the recession (*cough* bailouts *cough*), cooking has seemed like nothing more to the average New Yorker than…