Category: Comedy

Buzz Off Lucille goes ‘balls deep’ in feminist comedy

In case you’re hearing for the first time, we happen to be in the middle of a pretty important election…

Eliot Glazer and his Haunting Renditions don’t fit into the ‘rubric’ of comedy, and he’s okay with that

When you hear the name "Glazer" in comedy, your mind rifles through a rolodex of at least five major comedians in New…

Comedian Pat Brown on the album, black comedy clubs in New York, and her worst side job ever

Pat Brown has been on the comedy scene for 22 years, appearing on BET’s Comic View, in Vibe magazine, and…

Cinder Block Festival comics recall their lowest moments in life, and how they bounced back

There are plenty of reputable comedy festivals out there, but a scant few that can boast a progressive political agenda alongside the laughs. The…

The New Yorker tries and fails to make fun of Brooklyn breakups in a new video

Oh New Yorker, we love you, we truly do, but maybe you should leave Brooklyn parody jokes to the professionals. The…

Here’s how to get free tickets to late night comedy shows in NYC

Late night comedy broadcast shows have always been free to attend in New York because they depend on having a…

Home run: watch Sam Corbin hit 50 Yankees puns in two minutes

Back in July, Punderdome champion and Brokelyn editor at large Sam Corbin dazzled us with a video of her making 50…

90s nostalgia reaches logical conclusion with (almost certainly fake) Brooklyn Pog store

Pogs are a totem to 90s culture as the Rubik's Cube was to the 80s ... except no one actually ever…

Watch people take drugs and try to assemble Ikea furniture in new web series ‘Hikea’

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=856TBCokG3U Our common experience of furniture as New Yorkers usually comes in two forms: 1) the kind you find on…

Video: Jon Stewart made a surprise appearance at Jessica Williams’ 2 Dope Queens show last night

It has been a particularly brutal election season made even worse by the lack of Jon Stewart, who used to…