Category: Careers

Brooklyn Public Library has money, is hiring librarians and other staff

Hey, have you heard the good news? The library has more money in their budget than they had last year,…

Take your fancy city lawyering to Nebraska if you want a legal career

So, you've got your law degree that you've been carrying around with you since graduating law school, which isn't weird…

Best buds: Job board will hook you up with jobs in the pot industry

America is wacky for weed now that it's being legalized in bits and pieces across the country, and you're probably…

Now Hiring In BK: Franny’s, New York Mag and more!

Alright, you're doing pretty well. You live in New York City, presumably in a very urban-chic (small) apartment, you've found…

Artists: Get eligible for up to $5000 in grants from BAC

If you've maxed out your last credit card buying your latest stash of materials for your sculpture studio, it may…

Such jobs: The Daily Dot needs a morning editor

How much do you know about the viral internet? If you answered "I have watched the video where the guy…

Now Hiring in Brooklyn: ESPN, Rent the Runway and more!

You know what? You've been working at that old, dead-end job for too long! What's that? You just started it?…

Like a boss: Brooklyn Industries is having a management job fair Thursday

So you saw all the BuzzFeed jobs, but shrugged, because media isn't really your thing, fashion is. Usually we'd tell…

Billion-dollar BuzzFeed has a billion job openings

So, BuzzFeed is being valued by some investment mavens at something close to a billion dollars. Regardless of how that…

Sweet gig alert: Communications assistant for the Children’s Book Council

Looking for an exciting and positive way to make some extra cash while helping promote the idea to kids that…