Category: apartments

5 surprises that you should try to avoid in your lease

Signing a lease is usually the part of the apartment search you think about the least. Part of that has…

A bounty of apartments in Bushwick and Bed Stuy awaits you

Tired of laying around in the heat watching the bottom of your laptop cook eggs burn though table surfaces? Maybe…

New website helps you see how much per month that broker’s fee costs you

Getting an apartment around here is hard enough with the constant ups and downs of the real estate market and…

On the market this weekend: affordable apartments in Flatbush

The rent, as we all know, is rather steep around here. There are a couple of coping strategies out there,…

Snag an apartment in Bed Stuy, Park Slope or Crown Heights

The summer is louder in Brooklyn. Between your neighbor who blasts Usher songs into the street all day, kids playing…

Open the window and let the light in with apartment prospects in Crown Heights, Bushwick and Kensington

It's about that time of the month where folks are in a last-minute mad scramble for new living space. But…

Landlord horror stories: what would you put up with for cheap rent?

Landlords: does anyone actually like them? Well, we guess you lucky ducks out there who are blessed with one who…

New year, new real estate section: sweet apartments in Ditmas Park, Sunset Park and Williamsburg

Obviously you guys knew about our Real Estate section, but did you know that we've made some changes to pretty…

Animal house: pet-friendly apartments in Greenpoint, Lefferts Gardens and Bushwick

Moving with a roommate in tow is hard. Moving with three roommates and a small dog is even harder. Here…

Excavating the relics of roommates past

Sometimes those things happen in your apartment and you're like, "Well, that's future Tim's problem." Like when someone decided to…