Catch the broads from ‘Broad City’ tonight for free in Williamsburg

Look, they’re on their way now! via Facebook

If you’re like us, one of your favorite things in the world right now is Broad City. Like no other TV show before it, it really hits on what it is to be young, live in the city and not GAF about anything but getting high, slacking off at your job and hooking up with really weird people. Well, trying to hook up with what you think are normal people only to have them keep trying to turn the whole thing into an “accidental” orgy. Anyway, if you know what that means, you’ll love this: tonight in the tiny back room at Over the Eight (594 Union Avenue, Williamsburg), Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer will be guests on The Kevin Corrigan Show. And it’s free!

Now, you might be playing it cool and saying things like, “Whatever, I’ve seen one or both of them perform before.” Yes, but that was before they were on TV, so your cherished memory no longer counts for anything in the cultural one upmanship game that is life. Since the back room at Over the Eight is small and you don’t want to get locked out, we’d recommend you get your butt over there early tonight, like right after work, and start drinking until the doors open. The show is at 9pm, so maybe pace yourself, because you want your declaration of love shouted at either Abbi or Ilana (or both) to be coherent.

Corrigan will also be talking to Orange is the New Black‘s Natasha Lyonne and Michael Shannon, who was General Zod in Man of Steel, among many other things. And it’s not to belittle the efforts of these two fine American actors, but Broad City is fucking on fire right now and that’s what we’d be there to see. Especially if Corrigan asks Glazer and Jacobson about how by Baseball-Reference Similarity ScoresBroad City is closer to Will and Grace, 2 Broke Girls or even Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place than it is to Girls.

David Colon :