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Your car2go doesn’t have to stay in Brooklyn

Just because you have to end your car2go trip within the Brooklyn home area doesn’t mean you can’t roam to your heart’s content. In fact, they encourage it. Feel free to explore the other boroughs, Long Island, Upstate, New Jersey… wherever you want to go. Just know that your trip doesn’t end until you park the car in an approved space in the Brooklyn home area and follow the instructions to end your trip.

Here’s what you need to know about Brooklyn rates:

— $0.41 per minute, plus tax
— Maximum of $14.99 per hour, plus tax
— Maximum of $84.99 per day, plus tax
— $0.45 per mile after 150 miles on any continuous trip

So, for example, if you were to drive a car2go out of town for two days, for a total of 200 miles round trip, you would be charged for two days at $84.99 and 45 cents per mile for the last 50 miles. One nice thing about this is that you can be fairly spontaneous in your plans. If you decide to stay over at a friend’s on Christmas Eve rather than drive home, it’s no problem. You won’t have to panic about returning your car2go on time, because there are no reservations to honor.

And keep your eye out for announcements from car2go — they sometimes offer limited-time discounted rates, like the $50/day rate they recently advertised over the Thanksgiving weekend. Especially in a city where rentals and car shares get snapped up on big travel weekends, a deal like that is practically a holiday miracle.

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