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You can take some whacks at a luxurious Donald Trump piñata in McCarren Park tonight

It has better hair, oddly enough. via Bucky Turco’s Instagram

Anyone sick of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign yet? Yeah, we’re not either, but that’s mostly because we didn’t live through the reign of Morton Downey, Jr. and always wondered what would happen when decades of resentment politics took on a physical form. That being said, whatever entertainment value he provides, Trump’s campaign is ugly stuff and while some of you out there might want to respond calmly to the man who praised his immigrant-beating supporters as “passionate,” some of us know we still have the option of resorting to violence. Or something close it, because tonight in McCarren Park, you’ve got a chance to beat on a Trump piñata that’s stuffed with money.

The chance to take some whacks at two piñatas representing America’s number one most luxurious belching font of nativism and impossible solutions to complicated problems is brought to you by the troublemakers at Ratter. It all goes down at 6pm at Lorimer Street and Driggs Avenue. The only catch at all, it’s that you need to sign up to get a whack at The Doñata by emailing tips [AT], and you need to be willing to wind up on a filmed piece that Ratter runs after this whole thing happens.

It sounds like it’s worth trading being filmed for a shot at taking some swings, because while this isn’t the first instance of Trump piñatas showing up in response to the steak salesman’s campaign for president and against Mexicans, it just might be the first Trump piñata to be full of $100 in one dollar bills. After all, why wouldn’t a papier-mâché representation of America’s shining beacon of luxury be stuffed full of money? Ratter’s Bucky Turco also told us that the whole thing will have a soundtrack as well, courtesy of Mexican wrestling-masked duo Chango:

So get up to McCarren Park tonight, because you never know which presidential candidate will inspire this kind of insanity after this.

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David Colon :