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You can help the 773 Lounge rebuild after their fire

Get it back to how it was in the good old days. via GoFundMe

We were all bummed to hear about the fire at the 773 Lounge, or at least those of us who are fans of it and good bars in general were bummed. Still, the owners vowed to rebuild, and you can help them do that by throwing some money to their GoFundMe. Do it, and you’ll have a place in alcohol Valhalla.

The GoFundMe, which is looking to raise $150,000, was started by a bartender at 773, and has since been transferred over to the owners. The page mentions that while there’ll be some insurance money, the bar needs a complete and total rebuild, beyond just getting new inventory, the bar needs a new kitchen, bar stools, a sound system and TVs.

The crowdfunding appeal adds another emotional oomph to the story of the 773 Lounge, since it turns out that the current owners are four friends who bought the bar and saved it from the brink of closing six years ago. So to see a cool dream like that now possibly destroyed by fire wouldn’t be any good at all. Especially a bar that’s such a solid neighborhood institution, that hosts impromptu potlucks, a local music scene and charity events of their own, so toss a few bucks to a bar that one of the owners characterized as having “more money in tabs than in the bank.”

[h/t Ditmas Park Corner]

David Colon :