Bushwick Ginger Social will take your whiskey to the next level

What? The picture contains both ginger and whiskey. Via The Hip Flask

If you enjoy delicious whiskey gingers (and really, who doesn’t?) then Bushwick Ginger Social could change your life. The group was started by Vernon Caldwell, Ian Evans and Chris Schwartz, friends who grow their own ginger in their backyard. After growing so much of the stuff, it only made sense to invite some friends to bring over some whiskey to mix it with.  

As explained in an article on Bushwick Daily, at each subsequent party those friends invited more friends and the parties grew exponentially. This past Saturday’s BYO whiskey social was the last to be held on the founders’ roof, but don’t fret, you haven’t missed out.

The overwhelming popularity of the parties  have led to a venue change, so November’s will take place at The Well, to accomodate the many people craving fresh ginger. And whiskey. Those wishing to attend should like Bushwick Ginger Social on Facebook to be kept up to date on happenings. As of press time, an email to the Social asking if The Well would tolerate people bringing their own whiskey was unanswered, but we will update you on this very important detail as soon as we can.

Owen Diaz :

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