Hello there and welcome to the Tuesday after the Fourth of July. Today’s the day that your post-holiday hangover bullshit won’t work at all, so if you’ve got a regular hangover, you better just hide it like you’re used to doing. Also be sure to drink plenty of water or Brawndo or Pedialyte, because you’re gonna want to feel ready, or at least hydrated, for any of these incredible events we’ve pulled from the Brokelyn Events Calendar, whether it means taking advantage of cheap alcohol or cheering on the dinosaurs at Jurassic Park.
Sometimes a reading is just another stop on a slog of a tour for a writer that wonders just what the hell they’re doing in this damn racket. Other times, a reading is a much happier affair. Of course if we’re sending you to a reading it’s probably the latter, and it certainly is tonight, what with the Sackett Street Writers’ Workshop’s Julia Fierro reading from her debut novel, Cutting Teeth. It may make you EXTREMELY nervous about the prospects of being a parent, but it might also inspire you to finally finish your novel. At the very least, you can hear part of a good story.
7pm, BookCourt, 163 Court Street, Cobble Hill, FREE
We know, all your friends are out there talking about Jurassic World, and you’re too embarrassed to tell them the truth that you never saw Jurassic Park, so you don’t understand what’s going on. Fortunately for you, Red Hook Flicks is kicking off tonight with the beginning of the story of how an island full of dinosaurs somehow seemed like a great tourist attraction where nothing could ever go wrong. Unless it all went to shit, which of course it does, just like Jeff Goldblum promises everyone around him that it will. Besides being free, this conquers your normal, indoor moviegoing experience by having concessions like Key Lime Pie and porchetta sandwiches with homemade pickles.
8:30pm, Louis Valentino Junior Park, Ferris Street and Coffey Street, Red Hook, FREE
Everyone’s got an opinion on the NYPD’s relationship with New York’s non-white community, which means yours is just getting drowned in a sea of takes. What’s an argumentative person (who’s looking to make informed arguments of course) to do? Maybe focus on the fact that the New York City Fire Department has also been a primarily white institution since its founding, like the Brooklyn Historical Society is doing by inviting reporter Ginger Adams Otis to talk about her book on FDNY integration. Joining Otis to talk about the issue will be members of the Vulcan Society, a black firefighters group.
6:30pm, Brooklyn Historical Society, 128 Pierrepoint Street, Brooklyn Heights, $5/FREE for BHS or Green-Wood Cemetery members
77% ON 7/7
Oh that gender gap, that mysterious place that swallows up the equal pay women should be getting for doing the same job as men, everyone hates it! Oh wait no, it’s not a mysterious black hole that swallows up women’s money, it’s a decision by bosses to pay women less. The Way Station, a place we love already, isn’t a fan of this, so they’re striking back for a night by cutting alcohol prices for women to 77% of the usual price. $7 beers are $5, a $50 bar tab is $38.50 and so on and so forth. It’s a point of pride for us to mention that in New York, young women appear to have conquered the pay gap, but we still figure you should go drink at The Way Station tonight, either in celebration of that fact or in solidarity with women in the other crappy states that have yet to solve this.
8pm, The Way Station, 683 Washington Avenue, Prospect Heights, FREE
OMG BFF LOL Club #7: Points!
We don’t know really know what it is about naming comedy shows that sometimes results in names like the one you see above, we’re not comedians. What we do know is that any show apparently as obsessed with hoping Brendan Fraser shows up as this one, that also books the likes of Julio Torres and Anna Drezen is one worth checking out. So see some skits, see some stand up, and maybe don’t wear something really nice since hosts Alex Ptak, Daniel J. Perafan, and Ben Wasserman promise “showers of blood.” Blood is funny. Usually.
8pm, Legion Bar, 790 Metropolitan Avenue, Williamsburg, FREE