Reminder: The Brooklyn Museum will be free Thursday nights starting Jan. 21

Free! Free! Free! via Flickr user Kent Wang

Brooklyn is a land of so much culture, with the beating heart of it found in the Brooklyn Museum (seriously though, they don’t tell you this, but there’s a literal giant beating heart pumping culture into the borough in a secret sub-basement in the museum). All that culture takes money, but sometimes you don’t have the cash to see it. Well, leave your squeamishness about giving tiny donations at the door behind, because starting Jan. 21, every Thursday night at the Brooklyn Museum will have free admission from 6pm to 10pm, per a press release from the Museum.

Yes you read that right, from 6pm to 10pm every Thursday night, you can just stroll in to the Brooklyn Museum without paying, like you’re the owner, Mr. Brooklyn Museum, or something. The whole thing is brought you by the folks at Squarespace, the web site design company a bunch of your friends probably use, and that shouldn’t be confused with Squaresoft, the company that used to make the Final Fantasy games.

The offer starts on Thursday, January 21, and should be a perfect way to escape the winter doldrums that we’ll be in after the holidays are over and it feels like the joy in the world is just gone forever.  You’ll be able to wander around everything in the museum, provided you can squeeze your way through the giant crowds that will no doubt be gathering, because what’s free admission with restrictions on what you can see?

David Colon :