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Brooklyn Housing Court needs a cheap, chill place to live, if you know anywhere

The Housing Court’s current digs, which are just totally not cool. via Google Street View

Hey, have you guys heard about any good places to rent lately? No, not for us, we’ve got this friend, and they’re in a totally shitty situation with their landlord and their roommates and everything and they need to find a new place to live that fits their budget. Maybe you know them? They’re the Brooklyn Housing Court? Anyway, if you hear something, definitely shoot us a line, they’re really stressing about it.

Yes, in a piece of news that could double as the world’s shittiest/least subtle parable, the New York Times reports that Brooklyn Housing Court is housed in the kind of building, with no air conditioning and broken elevators, that they’d usually be holding hearings on. Said building makes everybody crazy, and in already contentious and charged hearings, sometimes people even hit each other. So court officials and the city are trying to move the operation somewhere new, but they can’t find anywhere big enough they can afford. What a familiar story.

They’d like to find somewhere “that is loftlike or has been gutted,” but we mean, that’s what everyone in Brooklyn is looking for, so good luck. Adding the crappy parable element of the story, the building they’re currently leasing is owned by a guy who wound up on a Worst Landlords List when Bill de Blasio was public advocate. Said landlord is promising repairs, but only if the city renews its lease on the building first. The only good news in this situation is that it’s probably the perfect time to bring a landlord complaint in front of the court, because what judge in their right mind is going to side with a landlord at this point?

David Colon :