Brooklyn film studio caters to nano-budgeted

Attention, all moviemakers (or wannabes) shooting on the proverbial shoestring. You are not alone! Brooklyn Free Speech TV—a program through Brooklyn Community Access TV—provides equipment and studios gratis for their “BCAT Certified Community Producers.” Don’t let the title dissuade you—you probably have the credentials already. All you really need is a government-issued ID, recent Brooklyn utility bill, and $98. Fill out an application online, attend one of their bi-monthly orientations, and complete a workshop to become legit.

Ostensibly, the time they give you is to develop a program for BCAT—which means that you’ll give them a finished copy of a piece that’s 28 or 58  minutes long (or less). They provide editing machines, production equipment—even a studio that’s specially rigged for one-man operation.

And an audience: The station is an outlet to show your work over its 4 television channels and via webcast. It revolves programming every 3 months, and everyone is welcome to submit. BCAT has a few shows targeted at the Brooklyn-conscious, from a teenage filmmakers’ showcase to an elected official roundup.

BCAT also hosts the Media Education Center, which offers courses on internet and video topics ranging from free to $98 (the $98 workshops last 24 non-consecutive hours, and gives you the film-school crash course over 6 weeks).

Anna Jacobson :