Categories: News

Brooklyn DA to decriminalize small amounts of pot

This will definitely end up being a Broad City plot point

While running for Brooklyn DA, Ken Thompson made the promise that he’d stop bringing criminal charges against people possessing small amounts of pot (who didn’t have a criminal record). Seeing as we live in go-go crazy liberal time, this isn’t a very hard campaign promise to keep, and according to the New York Post, Thompson sent an official memo announcing his office would no longer prosecute the cases.

So what does this mean for you, otherwise law-abiding citizen? Well, provided you’re not hiding out from any tickets you haven’t paid that then turn into bench warrants, the plan is to hit you with a $100 ticket for pot possession. That will count as just a violation, so you won’t have a criminal record. On the other hand, the police will still take your pot, because life just isn’t fair.

The Post says that Thompson’s memo made it to Bill Bratton’s desk and that NYPD leadership will figure out how to react to the plan allowing people getting all potted up on weed without any fear of major consequences. But given that this is a bold new era of community policing, we’re sure this whole thing will be sorted out with a minimum of pain and confusion. At least for people who haven’t been arrested for ticky-tack bullshit in the past.

David Colon :