Sometimes the G train takes so much heat we almost feel bad for it (especially since it’s statistically pretty good), but then we end up stuck at Nassau Ave at 4am banging our drunk heads against the wall feeling like it’s been forever-ever since the train has passed these parts and we start cursing its name again. So why not channel your rage into a song? Brooklyn Brewery is holding a contest: if you can write the best song about the G train, they’ll fly you to a big festival in Sweden this Labor Day weekend. Any guesses what the G train has to do with Sweden?
Here’s how to enter, via Brooklyn Brewery:
Brooklyn Brewery is exporting some of the best Brooklyn bands to Debaser in Sweden this Labor Day weekend. But you don’t need no credit card to ride on this train. To one talented songwriter and music lover, Brooklyn Brewery is giving away BROOKLYN, SWEDEN festival passes, airfare and hotel accommodations for two.
+ Write a song with lyrics about or inspired by Brooklyn’s beloved/infamous G train – although sometimes sluggish, from Greenpoint to Kensington this stalwart people mover is a staple of transportation in Brooklyn.
+ Submit the song via YouTube, Vimeo or similar video platform and email the link to freebie@brooklynbrewery.com (including lyrics might be wise).
+ Contestants must be an amateur or unsigned songwriter. No pros!
+ Submissions must be original. No covers.
+ There are no style or instrument restrictions: songs can be acoustic, electronic, bluegrass, hip hop, etc.
+ Entries will be accepted until 5pm on July 24.
+ The top entries will be posted to our Facebook page for public voting from July 25 to August 1.
+ The song with the most votes wins, and will be announced August 2.
+ The winner will be flown to Sweden from New York City and be put up at Story Hotel from Aug 30-Sep 2. The winning song will be featured on Debaser.se and BrooklynBrewery.com.For more information about BROOKLYN, SWEDEN visit BrooklynSweden.com.