‘Broad City’ season 3, episode 8: The ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ crossover you didn’t know you needed

broad city bathtub
Getting baked in a bathtub with bae.

Ohmygod, ohmygod. Can you even? I cannot. Okay fine, I can! Tonight’s episode of Broad City was epic, incredible and important: relationships got real, we paid homage to one of the greats through a Mrs. Doubtfire parody complete with a Mara Wilson cameo and somehow, in the end, everything felt like it was gonna be all right. But like, what the fuck was on Ilana’s ass in the opening scene? Please, someone, help.

At long last, we finally framed it up for the Abbi-and-Trey shippers 👫👏💁 — they’ve been banging for a few weeks, and at this point they’re either taking advantage of the clean, spacious Soulstice shower or someone has a super-nice apartment. Either way, it kind of looks like they’re both pretty into it. Except Trey’s more into it than Abbi, obvi, and he makes the bold move to ask her to dinner. On the flip side, Lincoln, out of nowhere (I’m sad, okay?!), decides he wants to go monogamous with the other broad he’s been seeing (Steph?! Stop.) and abruptly ends things with Ilana. WHERE DO WE EVEN GO FROM HERE?!

Back home to Bevers, obviously. Fucking Bevers! I said it last week and I’ll say it again — his character these days is a damn treat. Watching him take care of Abbi — and watching her grow to trust him — has been a delightful development in their complicated relationship this season. I mean, dude walked in eating Kraft Mexican shredded cheese from the bag. That’s…amazing. And it spoke to my heart. 

As Ilana shakes it off and heads to dinner with her family to celebrate her parents’ wedding anniversary, a reluctant Abbi heads to dinner to meet Trey for their very first real date. And thus, the most perfect parody of the climactic restaurant scene in the 90s classic, Mrs. Doubtfire, was born. (Between this, The Sandlot and Sister Act 2, I am dying to have movie night with these betches. GET AT ME, GURLS.)



How long did it take you to catch on? Did you recognize the waitress who took Abbi and Trey’s (and then the Wexler family’s) orders? I have to say, it clicked for me quite quickly. ICYMI, that waitress was Mara Wilson, beloved NYC-based writer, storyteller, comedian, Twitter celebrity and former child actress whom you remember fondly as Robin Williams and Sally Field’s youngest daughter in the aforementioned as well as the star of Danny DeVito’s unforgettable adaptation of Roald Dahl’s Matilda. SWOON.

Look, if you forgot about Mrs. Doubtfire, this is not the place to catch a refresh. Just know that while Abbi was busy running back and forth between the two tables to uphold the facade that she was there for Ilana and not for Trey, I was busy freaking out about various aspects of my childhood (and also laughing uncontrollably). In reality, though, Abbi was there for Trey, and the truth comes out when Mama Wexler starts choking on her lychee martini. Abbi yells for Trey’s first aid, and the cover is blown. I have to say, though, Ilana serves one hell of a Sally Field impression. 

After all that, the most powerful part of the episode took place outside the restaurant: Just when we were all worried she might be more caricature than human, Ilana surprised us all by expressing rare emotion over losing Lincoln. And fuck, she was perfect. She lets him go with grace, ever-supporting of his needs in a relationship and remaining steadfast in her advocacy for womankind, referring to his new girlfriend as “a beautiful kween, like us,” instead of ragging on his new boo. And, as always, friendship prevails — cuz there’s nothing like getting baked with your bestie in a Brooklyn bathtub to heal all wounds. (Just kidding; give me dick deets.)

We picked out the references you may have missed, the moments we’re still talking about and the GIFs you need in your life right now.

Moment that made us scream YAS, QUEEN: Madonna. Rihanna. Ilana.

Brokelyn broad city bump cartwheel

Best cameo: Mara Wilson has been called “the coolest girl to ever dump Hollywood.” Read our interview with her, where she discusses the reasons why she temporarily rejoined the world of acting to be a part of this epsiode, or catch her at the next edition of her storytelling show, “What Are You Afraid Of?” in NYC.

Best pop culture reference: “That does impress-uh me much,” Ilana responds, when Abbi spews her trademark lie to explain that she can’t join the Wexlers for dinner because she’ll be busy training Shania Twain.

Best Lincoln line: “She’s still running. That’s a metaphor,” he says, as Ilana sprints away from the scene of the breakup in Madison Square Park. RIP, LINCOLN! Damn. I guess it had to end eventually.

Best callback: When Trey comes to Mrs. Wexler’s rescue, Eliot instantly recognizes him from his porn days as “Kirk Steele.” However, Abbi’s bangin’ blue dress is my favorite recurring character, tbh.

“I don’t know why I didn’t just try this first.”

Actual real New York thing that got super, super real: Raise your hand if your parents live on Long Island and insist on driving in to the city rather than taking the LIRR, which always, always, always leads to them getting lost, being late and/or spending the entire time complaining about traffic and somehow making it your fault because you just had to move to the city. Yep. Thought so. 

Best pun: Ilana turned the tables on male catcallers this week, manspreading on a park bench and hollering at anyone and everyone who dared to cross her sightline. “You Betty; me Veronin’ya,” she hoots at a voluptuous blonde. Sigh. If only they were all so creative.

Stay high: Here, we have a scientific estimate of the volume of drug traces in Abbi’s pee relative to Ilana’s: “At least it’s like, human level. It’s less embarrassing.” 

Brooklyn comedian you might have missed: He was essentially unmissable this week, but Eliot Glazer doesn’t get enough credit for being Eliot Glazer. Have you guys ever seen him perform Haunting Renditions? I’d highly recommend it. Okay? Okay.

Gif of the week: Epic, you guys.

Brokelyn broad city choking mrs. doubtfire save my life

Get caught up on more enthusiastic season 3 recaps here.

Matilda is Meghan’s favorite story of all time. Follow her on Twitter: @meghannn.

Meghan Stephens :

View Comments (1)

  • You missed the bit where llana screams 'The whole time? The whole time? THE WHOLE TIME?!" that's when the Mrs Doubtfire reference clicked for me...so late to the party