Categories: Dear Penny

We’re bringing back our advice columnist, Dear Penny!


Once upon a Brokelyn many years ago, Dear Penny, an advice column dedicated to tackling readers’ recession-related inquiries, graced our virtual pages until Penny got priced out of Park Slope, and fled Brooklyn for the greenback pastures of Connecticut.

Luckily, Penny has returned to answer all of YOUR burning questions, whether they be regarding roommate drama,  the woes (or woahs!) of dating, Brokester etiquette, or anything else that’s been causing you to wake up in a cold sweat. Send us your questions! Here’s how:

Need advice on affordable gifts? Wondering how to broach the rent topic with your laid off roommate? Maybe you just want to know it it’s rude to have sex in the bathroom of a dive bar. We have answers! We’ll be handling both brokester etiquette and advice, kind of like if Dan Savage had an orgy with The Ethicist at your squad’s hangover brunch. Just no math questions. Please, please no math questions.

Have a question for Penny to answer? Send it to and we may just answer it in an upcoming post.

We’ll keep your identity hush hush if your question is embarrassing or you’re involved in the Witness Protection Program. Or we can give you a shout out on social media if it’s celebrity you’re into. We’re bringing Penny back.

Margaret Bortner :