We’re struggling through (what we hope is) the last dregs of winter. It is, after all, March. Still, once warmer temperatures arrive and we want to sit topless in the park, men and women alike, wouldn’t it be nice to have a cleaned up, spruced up park to hang out in? Yes, yes it would. So let’s do our part and sign up to give Brooklyn Bridge Park the spring cleaning it needs after this long, hard winter.
The Spring Spruce Up and Cut Back will be the spring cleaning that the park needs after a long hard winter full of snow and cold and flying garbage that inevitably happens when nature punishes us by deciding to really pile it on. Volunteers at either the March 29 or April 2 will be doing things like trimming the grass at the park, picking up debris (the flying garbage) and getting planting beds ready for all the pretty flowers that will be in the park. Even if you’re not one to get your hands dirty all that often, just think of this as organizing for a final victory over winter, which might have beaten us down but didn’t completely kill our spirits.