Strike! Bowl for free (again) at Brooklyn Bowl tonight

via Facebook

It’s a good thing Brooklyn Bowl charges $6 for beer, because at this point we’re not sure how they’re paying that fancy Williamsburg rent otherwise. The gods of free stuff have smiled on us once again and have compelled Brooklyn Bowl to they’re give away another free hour of bowling (with complimentary shoe rental!) tonight.

Once again, starting at 6 p.m., mention “free bowling” at the door and snag yourself an hour to bowl. They’ll be looping classic music videos all night, too, so be prepared to get down to some Beastie Boys and  Meatloaf as you watch your ball roll sadly down the gutter. Monday Funday!

By the way, we should note that last time we mentioned a free Brooklyn Bowl bowling opportunity, they were giving away two free hours of lane time, and they’ve since cut that down to one. So clearly, the economy isn’t doing nearly as well as the government would lead you to believe.

Rebecca Fishbein :