Categories: Outings

BK Top 5: The best things to do tonight, from alternate NYC history to comedy for dudes

Someone really had a plan to put a dome over New York City. Learn all about it, tonight!
Someone really had a plan to put a dome over New York City. Learn all about it, tonight!

Well, here it is, the first day after Labor Day and everyone’s ready to throw in the towel on good times and hot weather. Except that it’s hot and muggy and might get up to 90 degrees today and you still might have music from the West Indian Day Parade bouncing around your skull. So use all of that as your foundation of energy to go out tonight, what with these great things pulled from the Brokelyn Event Calendar that will show you a good time.

It might surprise you to learn that New York City didn’t just spring forth fully built from the imagination of Taylor Swift. From its earliest days of colonization to the strange plans for the NYC that never were, the Society for the Advancement of Social Studies will present three speakers with the expertise to send you home being able to talk about how New York was built, so that you have some good party trivia.
7pm, The Bedford, 110 Bedford Avenue, Williamsburg, FREE

What is it about the South that produced authors like Harper Lee, William Faulkner and Flannery O’Connor? Don’t ask me, as I’m Yankee scum. Instead, ask Margaret Etby, who’s both a Southerner herself and has written a whole book she’ll be talking about tonight, in which she explored the homes and backgrounds of some of America’s best Southern writers in an attempt to understand what made them and Southern literature in general tick.
7pm, Bookcourt, 163 Court Street, Cobble Hill, FREE

Dudes love being around women, but are also sometimes on the “women aren’t funny train.” How to allow them to see comedy but also be around chicks? Oh, here’s a way, invite comedians like Jo Firestone, Charla Lauriston and Kate Hannigan to tell straight dude jokes the whole night. Finally, in this P.C., bubble wrapped world, some comedy for men.
8pm, Over the Eight, 594 Union Avenue, Williamsburg, FREE

There’s no time like the present to learn about our collapsing agricultural system, so why not start tonight in Park Slope? Watch in fascination or horror, or maybe a little of both, as you learn about seed banks falling apart and climate change wreaking havoc on farmers, while activist Cary Fowler tries to help Peruvian founders save their seeds, the very foundation of the food we grow to eat.
7pm, Park Slope Food Conference, 782 Union Street, Park Slope, FREE

On the one side, you’ve got an author who’s been compared to the likes of Kurt Vonnegut and George Saunders, showing off his new book of short stories. On the other side, you’ve got the author of A Visit From the Goon Squad, who’s always welcome in Brooklyn bookstores. Thrill to the literary battle as they…oh my mistake, no one’s fighting here, Jennifer Egan is just going to have a nice conversation with Adam Johnson about his book. That sounds cool too, though.
7:30pm, Greenlight Books, 686 Fulton Street, Greenpoint, FREE

David Colon :