Addicted to Words with Friends? Yeah, us too. You can feed your obsession by playing a life-sized version of another word tile game On Oct. 1 in Prospect Park: Levy’s Unique New York — say that five times fast — is hosting Big Apple Bananagram, a free large-scale version of the wildly popular word game. Bananagrams is like Scrabble, without a board. You’ve probably seen the bright yellow zip-up banana stuffed with tiles in bookstores, but Levy’s version will be played using large Masonite tiles. Players earn extra points for spelling out NYC neighborhoods and streets (serious bragging rights if you can get “Schermerhorn”), with prizes for the top winners.
Being a New Yorker might just come in handy with this game, since you have to race other players in a test of quick-thinking and fight to grab large tiles from a communal pile (a la Missoni at Target?).
Your chance for word-game glory is being held on Oct. 1, from 1-4pm in Prospect Park, northeast corner of the Long Meadow, and all ages are welcome to join in the fun. Detailed directions and more information can be found here.
Follow Meredith: @MereOfTheOlsons.