The 10 best cheap things to do this week, pi day edition

Network & hear from women entrepreneurs (#7). Photo via.

1. Be dirty in plain sight at Think of the Children, which will discuss how animators have hidden adult jokes and references in even the most innocent of animation properties, and what it takes to become a banned cartoon. (Monday, Brooklyn Brainery, $10)

2. Stay out late for Meow Mixx Mondays, an evening of two shows full of different types of drag performances, along with new and in-progress acts, plus a fabulous raffle and games (Monday, The Vault in Brooklyn, FREE)

3. Be open about it at The Lesbian Agenda, hosted by Sophie Santos and Jess Salomon, that will bring you a banging variety show featuring the best lez, bi and queer comedians. (Tuesday, Union Hall, $10-12)

4. Light a candle at Hail Mary: Our Queer Saints, where comedians, writers, and performers nominate their favorite queer icon for sainthood in order to build a new canon of glorified souls and perhaps transcend their earthly bodies. (Tuesday, The Footlight, $5)

5. Receive creative inspiration at Reflect, a one night event featuring 50+ hand-selected emerging artists across fashion, music, visual art, photography, performing art, hair, makeup and accessory design, for a one night creative explosion. (Wednesday, Brooklyn Bazaar, $25-30)

6. Hear the stories behind the dance pieces at Hi Artist, a mix between an intimate dance performance and a lively cocktail party that includes four short acts featuring all different artists, and you can mingle with the performers after the show. (Wednesday, 61 Local, $22)

7. You’d betta netwerk at In the Company of Women: Entrepreneurs, a happy hour and conversation from several women entrepreneurs covering a range of topics from each women’s experience of starting and running a successful business, to navigating male-dominated fields. (Thursday, The Yard, $10)

8. Gain more NYC knowledge at Women’s History is New York History, and unearth the lost feminist history of New York and share in an intimate conversation about uplifting women’s legacies in honor of Women’s History Month. (Thursday, Meg, FREE w/RSVP)

9. Give into your scents-es at Sip & Wick and learn about different candle making methods and get tips and tricks to create your own eco-friendly coco-soy candles at home. (Friday, $30, Brooklyn Perk)

10. Invest your time wisely at Wet Cash Comedy, a standup show with free beer featuring the best comedians in the country, most of whom you’ve seen on TV, plus an audience member will win wet dollar bills at the end of the night. (Friday, GG’s Social Trade & Treasure Club, FREE)

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Alix Piorun :