Beat the heat with FREE ICE CREAM SANDWICHES tomorrow

The best kind of sandwiches, for the best kind of price (free)

We’re into the jorts and jerseys part of the year, which means a person’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of…ice cream. What, did you have another end to that sentence? Anyway, it’s ice cream season, which is good because ice cream is delicious. Even better, you can get some ice cream for yourself for free on Thursday, when an ice cream truck parks in front of Roberta’s and just starts handing out ice cream sandwiches all willy-nilly.

A truck handing out ice cream sandwiches made by catering company Bar de Jar will be parked in front of Roberta’s (261 Moore Street) tomorrow from 5pm to 8pm giving ice cream sandwiches to whoever asks for one (they’ll also be in front of Cafe Select, 212 Lafayette Street, from 1pm to 4pm). Why, because these people are just SO EXCITED for summer? No, although they might be, we don’t know. The twist (there’s always a twist) is that the free ice cream sandwiches are a promotional effort from the Full Moon Festival.

Not that they seem like such bad folks, since they’re promoting the 5th birthday of an arts and music festival that’s going down at Governors Island this summer on August 1. Beyond music from the likes of  Yelle and MOTHXR, the festival has a bunch of international food vendors and is limited to 5,000 people since it’s on such a tiny island. More importantly though, they’re giving out free ice cream sandwiches and it’s already getting so damn hot that we’d be excited if the Ted Cruz campaign was giving out free ice cream sandwiches in Bushwick. Which again, we should stress, this promo effort is more exciting than Ted Cruz for president.

David Colon :