Beach Fossils playing free local showcase Sunday

Beach Fossils, just in time to remind you how great summer was

We know you may be about to be snowed under by the CMJ invasion, turning your Google “concerts” calendar into an ambitious wish-list more uncertain than the arrival of the G train you’ll need to get there. But don’t forget that before you start running all over the city, Brooklyn Bowl is hosting another one of its free monthly Local X Local music-and-more showcases this Sunday, Oct. 17. It’s featuring Beach Fossils, local heroes of the current lo-fi ocean-breeze rock craze. And then the showcase returns next month, on Nov. 14, with the locally-grown noise pop of Crystal Stilts.

The events always feature lots of other stuff from around the nabe, including food, artists and clothing makers, so there’s more to check out besides the music (or bowling). Doors at noon, show at 8 p.m.

Local X Local at Brooklyn Bowl, 61 Wythe Ave. between N. 11 and N. 12 Sts., Williamsburg

Tim Donnelly :