Categories: Outings

Be a Rhinestone Gorilla and 12 other free things to do this week

We don't know what this has to do with narrative stories, but we don't seem to care either
We don’t know what Rhinestone Gorilla has to do with narrative stories, but we don’t seem to care either

1. Learn how to rewrite fairytales to avoid the “happily ever after” ending the patriarchy has insisted we go by for years (Monday)

2. Literary wunderkid Karen Russell pops in to Greenlight Books to make you wonder what you’re doing with you life read from her new novel (Monday)

3. Learn to make pretty covers for the books you’re ashamed to be seen reading (Monday)

4. Go to Tea Lounge prepared to tell a story (Tuesday)

5. Narratively is holding their launch party, but they know you don’t want a bunch of boring olds word. You want burlesque from Rhinestone Gorilla. (Wednesday)

6. Launchpad started a Crown Heights Book Club. Hopefully they have space for the whole neighborhood (Wednesday)

7. Check out some comedy and music that has been assured to destroy you. Eh, it’s been a good run (Wednesday)

8. Go H.A.M. at being a ham at Freddy’s karaoke (Wednesday)

9. The comedy show Steamboat sets sail from Greenlight Books again. Onboard this time? Rachel Dratch! (Thursday)

10. The Way Station turns two and to celebrate, they’ve booked a jug band. No word yet on whether or not they got them by going back in time with their TARDIS (Thursday)

11. Did you know people were STILL making VHS tapes? It’s true, and Molasses Books is hosting a premiere of a new one (Thursday)

12. Fireside Follies is a reading series at Brooklyn Fireproof, not a series of pratfalls really close to an open fireplace. The readings will be good, though (Friday)

13. Videology knows you work hard for the money, so they’re letting you come over and watch Flashdance for free (Friday)

David Colon :