Be a repo man and 9 other free ways to spend the week

Seriously, how do you go wrong with Harry Dean Stanton?

1. Want to be part of Bushwick Open Studios but haven’t been to one of their mixers yet? They’ve got one more you can go to, at Little Skips, ya lousy procrastinator (Monday)

2. Videology shows two movies by local filmmakers about the evils of luxury developments in Brooklyn, The Vanishing City and The Domino Effect. Should be really…uplifting (Monday)

3. WORD kicks off World Book Night with some poetry read from Favorite American Poems. Wonder how many of them start “There once was a man from Nantucket.” (Monday)

4. Notable dude who’s been through some shit Augsten Burroughs stops in at Powerhouse Arena with his new paperback self-help book covering almost all situations, except for alligator attacks. He’s got how to survive a crocodile attack, though (Tuesday)

5. Play bingo at Sage to raise money for the AIDS Walk, because fuck AIDS (Wednesday)

6. You’ve got two minutes to read something you love, something you hate or something that’s just there at Mellow Pages (Wednesday)

7. Ben Greeman is hyping his new novel at Greenlight, and opening for him are a bunch of elementary school kids reading their fiction. Not gonna lie, not the first time we’ve been jealous of a bunch of ten-year-olds (Thursday)

8. Ordinary fuckin’ people. Know what they don’t do? They don’t watch Repo Man screenings at Videology. Don’t be an ordinary fuckin’ person (Thursday)

9. It’s the last Friday of the month, so that means it’s time for Branded to have a good old fashioned gay bash. No, not like, the violent kind. Unless you dance by windmilling your arms everywhere. Maybe don’t do that (Friday)

10. The Bell House wants you to decide by dancing, which was better: Motown soul or Studio 54-era disco. As always, by dancing, you’re the real winner (Friday)

David Colon :