Bars We Love: Nerd out, steampunk style, at The Way Station!

The Way Station

The Way Station
683 Washington Ave. between Prospect Place and St. Marks Avenue
Prospect Heights
(347) 627-4949


What is it: A steampunk, sci-fi bar and nerdvana with whovian mixed drinks and decor.

Why we love it: It’s the bar you’d find on lonely outpost in an asteroid belt, were Victorian England to have colonized space. This place is no slap-dash Trekker bar; it’s a love note to classic sci-fi (like Doctor Who) with red vinyl booths, brass-fitted beer taps, and ray guns behind the wall. Add to that one or two musical acts almost every night on an intimate stage and you have an experience that can’t be found anywhere else in Brooklyn. Bring anyone with an opinion on which Doctor was the best or your friend who goes to steam punk cos-play. Friday afternoons are teacher appreciation happy hours: “All funds (a.k.a. fines charged to bar patrons for poor public behavior) collected in the bar’s ‘Douche Jar’ go towards an emergency teacher fund to help with parking tickets, budget cuts or other inconveniences experienced at their job.”

What to order: Any one of their cocktails. We love the Dark and Stormaggedon which is ginger beer, rum, and lime.

Regular tip: The toilet is a recreation of the Doctor Who TARDIS time machine/space ship, a British police call box that is larger on the inside than it is on the outside.

Conal Darcy :

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