Author: Tim Donnelly

Friday linkage: You can now pee on Donald Trump at this Bushwick bar

Bushwick's Pizza Party, the sibling bar to Boobie Trap (which has been making its own headlines for haircuts this week),…

Gov. Cuomo wants to make life easier for freelancers in NY

We know that freelancers are considered by many to be a pretty low rung of the job market, one that didn't…

Watch: Comedian Scott Rogowsky clowns on Trump with more fake book covers on the subway

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uywdkkEnTNc&app=desktop We are coping with the upcoming Trump administration by using an alternating mix of activist rage and absurdist comedy, because…

‘Show up. Dive in.’ Obama’s farewell speech last night contained some key advice for brokesters

Barring any sort of Crisis on Infinite Earths scenario that removes our world from the Darkest Timeline and returns things…

You should be taking more naps at your desk

We have lots of work to do in this country about reframing previously accepted social norms (and, no, that doesn't…

Brooklyn has spoken: No one wants to get drunk at a Starbucks

It's hack to get upset about Starbucks these days since the omnipresent, if not eternally boring, chain has become such…

Every subway station now has cell service and wifi, and a new era of bitching at the MTA has dawned

As of this morning, all 279 NYC subway stations are connected with free cell phone service and wifi, wiping out…

Would you pay $188 to wear the Gowanus?

Nothing says "luxury living" in Brooklyn these days like a wretched and contaminated Superfund site, apparently. Anthropologie, which sells clothes to…

If you need a job in 2017, you should move to Austin or Denver

The new year is the time to finally get your art projects off the ground or to at least cut off…

Watch: This video perfectly skewers New York’s head-scratching abstract art scene

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYom2G9rfdc We have all at one point or another attended a performance or a friend's play in New York City…