Author: Meredith Olson

A free & cheap Governors Island summer

  It served as an army base for 200 years following the Revolutionary War -- now the only battles are…

Hear ye, hear ye: Shakespeare in the Playground returns!

If you have a kid, feel like one, or just enjoy good theater, catch one of Shakespeare's best in your…

Sites where you can actually find a job

"What’s my occupation?" the innocent little jury duty card asks me. I want to put down "professional job hunter," because…

How much do YOU tip food delivery people?

When you dine out or give in to the desperate necessity of delivery, it means you're going to be spending…

The Sixpoint poster design contest is back!

If you’re feeling a little in touch with your artistic side after a few Sweet Actions, you’re not the only…

Sweatin’ to the not-so-oldies: free 80s aerobics classes

I always wondered where it was still acceptable to tease your hair a foot high and rock some lace gloves…

Craigslist freebie of the day: Are you gonna eat my cake?

"Free" and "cake" are each wonderful words themselves, but if you put them together, BAM. FREE CAKE, FREE CAKE! You…

Free NYC museum days, all in one place

Culture is part of the reason we love Brooklyn, but it often comes at a premium: steep entrance fees in…

Tested: avocado, beer, olive oil and yogurt hair masques

A few weeks ago, I noticed that my hair was looking like a dirty rag. Whether Seasonal Affective Disorder was…

Are you wasting money on rock salt?

Slogging through round II of the Snowpocalypse — and the unplowed remnants of round I —  will probably make you sick…