Author: Meghan Doherty

Tax day freebies to help deduct some sadness

Hey kids, it's tax day. And technically, Monday is tax day, too. We hope you've already tackled the challenge: Maybe…

Brokelyn Country Club Spring Gala, now with Scoutmob!

Yes, it's crummy outside. All the more reason for you to get your pumped for our Brooklyn Country Club Spring Gala…

Secrets to winning loads of free sh*t

Gone are the days of clipping labels, returning Publishers Clearing House's letters, and waiting for Ed McMahon to appear at…

Benefit to help uninsured BK hate crime victim

In a world where a lot of people suck, there are those that still super suck, even in Williamsburg. On…

Craigslist Job of the Day: Use music superpowers for good

The music business is in the metaphorical toilet. And you, a super talented musician, can't get a gig, while Gwyneth…

Make the most of this week’s free Verge art fair

Art lovers in the city are going balls-to-the-wall crazy right now for Armory Arts Week and the Armory Show, starting Thursday. The…

7 free BK apps you may have overlooked

A smart phone helps you find free condoms, serious discounts and even the details on the nearest happy hour. Free apps are…

Which banks have the best bonuses?

Banks know how to play for your money, and love to throw their own money in your face to entice…

Smart sex, now on your smart phone

Not only was yesterday Valentine's Day, it was also National Condom Awareness Day. Since 1971, mama-bear NYC  has been distributing…

Craigslist freebie of the day: A whole lotta sweetness

Someone went to a party in Greenpoint, got 500ml of 100 percent PURE Canadian maple syrup a gift, then, left…