Author: Kate Mooney

Rental report card: New site rates landlords and apartments using letter grades

The average NYC resident tends to avoid eating at a restaurant with a C rating — would they rent an…

Hot scoop: Ikea food truck bringing free meatballs to Brooklyn all week

Forget the clean lines, uniform aesthetic, and seamless assembly of the sterile-chic furniture supplier; for many Ikea shoppers, the Swedish meatballs…

How do you make sure you aren’t buying from companies that have stolen artists’ work?

Last week, illustrator Tuesday Bassen took to Twitter to accuse fashion retailer Zara of ripping off her designs. She posted a side-by-side comparison,…

Delegate some beers into your mouth: Six Brooklyn bars showing the DNC this week

Leaked emails and DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz's resignation aside, the DNC kicks off today at 4pm with the theme…

Jump back to your youth with free double dutch Wednesday nights in BK Bridge Park

ClassPass is a rip-off, running is boring, yoga requires too much patience, PureBarre, no one can afford; double dutch, anyone?…

The Week in Broketown, 7/18-7/22

Like us in website form? You’ll love us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list! The Hubble Cantata,…

Friday linkage for a 90 degree afternoon

Gothamist would like to see a pic of your tricked out fire escape  [Gothamist] 297 affordable housing units opened up in…

F*ck Rape Culture: help recall Stanford rape case judge at this fundraiser

Back in June, we spoke with the leaders of the New York chapter of Grlcvlt, the national feminist secret society that has…

Now hiring in Brooklyn: BRIC, VinePair, Success Academy, Alamo Drafthouse, and more

On this hot July day, as you're going through the motions at your desk, thankful at least that you're inside…

Turn it into the city of broke-rly love: A brokester’s guide to visiting Philly for the DNC

After this week, national plagiarism scandals and speeches from orange-tinted offspring will have receded from our minds (hopefully), and we…