Bushwick’s astrology-themed Mood Ring bar to have open bar at today’s grand opening

It was back in early August that all of Lisa Frank’s big-eyed creatures popped out of their coloring books and circled the dilapidated Dinorah’s Bar & Grill in a pentagram cooing together “Mood Ring”.

Bushwick’s new astrology-themed bar, Mood Ring, is having its grand opening party tomorrow, Friday, September 28. It is located directly under the elevated track by the Central Av. M station at 1260 Myrtle Av. Despite the seeming obstruction of cosmic energy from the overhead infrastructure, the powers that be are invisible, and lord knows when Mercury is in retrograde no subway track can stand in the way of the vibes.


Photo via Mood Ring’s Facebook

Moon Ring pedals a brand of astrology which includes serving a limited Chinese food menu and a website which looks like a cross between a bat mitzvah montage and what ’80s teens thought a ouija board should look like when it’s working, in the best way possible. It’s Desperately Seeking Susan over 30 years later and across the river from Manhattan, with a more surprising soundtrack.

Their drinks menu includes $5 shots which sound more like mini cocktails, like The Aux Cord – vodka, tomato juice, Sriracha, Tabasco – and Bodega Dreams – Arizona Ice Tea, infused whiskey. There’s a limited but eclectic draft, cans and bottles offering, three options for wine, a $12 rotating “astrology special” based on the current sign and $11 cocktails.


According to Grub Street, while Mood Ring won’t be offering actual readings there’s a tarot-card-themed mural, custom video games, and the bar top was made through an ancient Italian technique called scagliola. If you require a more committed level of witchcraft, stop by esoteric book shop Catland beforehand, it’s a  10 minute walk from Mood Ring.

While for this American Millennial, mood rings immediately summon the vision of ’90s teens gripping trapper keepers, the actual inspiration for the bar’s name, in addition to the astrology theme, was director Kar Wai Wong’s 2000 film In the Mood For Love, according to the bar’s co-owners Vanessa Li and Bowen Goh, Grub Street reported.

The opening party starts tomorrow at 7pm, with an open bar till 9pm, music and giveaways. There’s a $10 cover after midnight. Don’t forget your ID or your star sign.

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Hannah Frishberg :Queen Brokester, native Brooklynite. The F train is my soul animal.