Arts Gowanus is putting out the call for artists to send in plans for new public works to be displayed all throughout the neighborhood, which is good news for the, what 3 artists in Brooklyn that aren’t already millionaires lounging on private yachts? If you’ve got a concept for a love letter to that most canal-est of neighborhoods, send it on over to Arts Gowanus and have the chance to see it come to life in your very own backyard. They’re looking for pieces that capture the history, diversity, and community of Gowanus, and bonus points if you can visually express exactly what that smell coming off the canal resembles.
The project can be in any media that makes sense (no performance art, as the art will be on display for 11 months and that is far too long to watch you alternately laughing and crying into a mirror), and needs to be ready for installation by June 2015. The works will either be displayed on either the concrete plazas on both sides of the Carroll St. Bridge (either one side or both) at the Ennis Playground, or at the Whole Foods Canal Front Park. The project is also accepting other locations too, as long as written permission from the owner is obtained, so if you’ve got a studio in the neighborhood and must your latest piece kinda close to the window, I guess that counts.
A group of local community leaders will be acting as a jury to finally define what this whole “art” thing actually is, and to get in front of them you’ll need a few things to get your application started. You’ll need an artist’s statement/bio, including any reason Gowanus is particularly close to your heart, and with these you’re going to send in a brief proposal with a project description, 8 images relating your proposed project, and a corresponding image script saying what the hell your images actually are.
If you’re interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity to class up this little slice of Brooklyn, they’re going to be holding a meeting outlining exactly what they’re looking for on Monday, February 9, at the Old Stone House (336 3rd Street). While you don’t have to show for the meeting, it is highly encouraged, since at it they’ll be explaining what they’re looking for and what curse words you’re not allowed to display in big, red font in front of the Whole Foods. The final deadline is March 2, so work to get it in before that and you have the possibility of getting your art displayed for all of Gowanus to see, and possibly criticize.