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April’s Fools: Brooklyn’s best internet April 1 pranksters

Baby Einstein on the Baby Beach
Baby Einstein on the Baby Beach

If you couldn’t tell, today was April Fool’s Day. That’s why people were laughing about that weak-ass “Gmail Blue” prank. Honestly guys, one year you had us all convinced that we could send our email from the past. Everything being shaded blue is just kinda, eh. But, what else was out there? Who was being goofy locally? We’ve got some of our favorites for you, below.

In the game of boulders, you climb or you die


Brooklyn Boulders got in on the Game of Thrones craze in style, promising people on Facebook that the entire gang was going to show up to climb. It’s ridiculous and stupid and completely unbelievable…which is why it get 34 Facebook shares and people asking if it was real. Good job guys!

The tower’s too damn high

Fits right in. Via Radiuus user Ben Ostrower
Fits right in. Via Radiuus user Ben Ostrower

A tipster tweeted this purported new Park Slope housing tower at us, asking us what we knew about it and whether we would live in it. The answers to those questions are nothing, and no. And if we wanted to love inside a giant dildo we wouldn’t want to do it in Park Slope. But good on you, Ben Ostrower, if you mocked this up. Hopefully you caused panic in a few places.

Die Hipster is…

...a girl??? via Greenpointers
…a girl??? via Greenpointers

This is probably a little more inside baseball than your usual good April Fool’s gag, but it finally gives life to what anyone who’s had internet rage machine Die Hipster turn his anonymity and bile on them: so that’s who this asshole is. Well, in this case, he’s a she and the “interview” she gave to Greenpointers contained interesting information like the fact that she’s going to Brown this fall.

Where does babby Einstein come from?

Honestly our only complaint about this is that we really really wish it was actually happening. It’s just stupid enough to work.

Duane Reade makes a splah

Everyone loves mermaids and centaurs (Alex Rodriguez especially loves centaurs), so it only makes sense that Duane Reade would offer them up a discount. Technically this isn’t a prank we guess, since if a mermaid or centaur showed up, Duane Reade would honor the discount offer, right?

Here’s a tip: check the calendar

And finally, there was our own Sally Nakile, who disgusted legions of Brooklynites with her tales of not tipping. The angry comments telling her to get out of Brooklyn or hit by a bus or what have you should be disheartening, but it’s actually good to see so many people standing up for the borough’s service employees. Just remember: if you see something on Brokelyn kicking the already downtrodden, always check the date.

David Colon :