You were in pretty good company if you marched in DC, Manhattan, Antarctica or just your own living room on Saturday. The trick now is to roll that energy and momentum into continued action to keep up the pressure on the Trump administration, and on other lawmakers to keep it in check. The good news is, NYC is continuing to give you plenty of chances to protest and raise money for causes like Planned Parenthood, which bodes well for the next four years.
Here’s our latest roundup of anti-Trump events and fundraisers this week; we’ll keep updating it as more come in.
Emergency Rally Against Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban
Washington Square Park, Manhattan
The Council on American Islamic Relations is holding an emergency rally in Washington Square Park today to protest Trump’s proposed travel/refugee ban from Muslim countries. The event description says:”As a city of immigrants, we cannot stay silent in the face of such hate.”
Launching Hate Free Zone in Kensington
Avenue C Plaza
McDonald Avenue and Avenue C, Kensington
This event marks the launch of a hate-free zone in Kensington, where members of Desis Rising Up and Moving (DRUM) will hold a press conference and rally to defend the community against forces that endanger Muslims, undocumented residents, LGBTQ people, workers and women.
The group’s statement says: “A Hate-Free Zone is not just a declaration, but the practice of building a community defense system that will allow us to defend our communities from workplace raids, deportations, mass criminalization, violence and systemic violation of our rights and dignity. A Hate-Free Zone does not happen without the people in this crowd, in this neighborhood, in this city. The times we are living in now demand we work as communities to love and protect each other”
Women’s March Action 1 Mailing Party
Saint Catherine
660 Washington Ave., Prospect Heights
Keep the momentum of the march going at Saint Catherine, which is hosting the first of 10 actions parties. Templates and basic materials will be provided to make postcards highlighting issues that are important to you. BYO stamps!
SURJ: Action Working Group Meeting
Project Reach NYC
39 Eldridge Street, Manhattan
This action working group meets the fourth Wednesday of every month to tackle racial justice campaign work, including police accountability and anti-mass incarceration organizing. It works on the Right to Know Act with Communities United for Police Reform, Justice for Ramarley Graham with Justice Committee, and CloseRikers with JustLeadershipUSA. The group also organizes trainings and provide action support to our partner organizations.
Before The Wall: A Benefit to Support Immigrant Communities
622 Degraw St., Gowanus
$12 admission; $25 admission, raffle ticket; $50 admission, raffle ticket and drink
Awesome Brooklyn-based horror punk band Shilpa Ray headlines this benefit for Sapna NYC and Women for Afghan Women, along with The Kominas and Hearing Things. If you’re not familiar get, tuned into Shilpa Ray starting here.
10 Actions / 100 Days Women’s March Follow Up
Better Than Jam’s
20 Grattan St., Bushwick
Join up to write postcards to your senators and representatives to tell them why you marched last weekend, and what your concerns are about the Trump administration. Postcards and stamps will be available but bring some if you can. The event features a DIY Postcard Making Section.
RESIST TRUMP! Planned Parenthood Benefit Show & Raffle
140 Wilson Ave., Bushwick
Catch music from Decorum, Scully, NOIA, The Christian Peslak Band and Milk Dick plus a surprise band, while competing for a huge trove of raffle prizes from local businesses including Nitehawk Cinemas, The Spotted Pig, Bunk Sandwiches, Babeland and much more.
Awkward Sex and the City
The Pleasure Chest
1150 Second Ave., Manhattan
$15 in advance/$20 at the door (a portion goes to Planned Parenthood)
This always hilarious sex positive storytelling show in a the basement of a sex shop requires you to go a little farther into Manhattan than we usually recommend, but it’s well worth the trip. This week’s show features Dave Hill, Calvin Cato, Carolyn Castiglia, Subhah Agarwal and host Natalie Wall; plus a portion of the profits are going to Planned Parenthood.
Post-Inauguration Live Karaoke
Union Hall
702 Union St., Park Slope
$10 (but give more if you can)
The Occasionalists and Dirty Waltz Band team up for this fundraiser for Planned Parenthood and other rights organizations, promising karaoke featuring “bigly songs of unpresidented power.”
Planned Parenthood benefit concert w/Sadist, Murderer, Exit Order, Nandas, Subversive Rite
Silent Barn
603 Bushwick Ave., Bushwick
This Planned Parenthood fundraiser features a raffle and artwork for sale, with performances by Sadist, Murderer, Exist Order, Nandas and Subversive Rite.
MOVE For Change
Our Wicked Lady
153 Morgan Ave., Bushwick
Shake your booty to help raise money for Planned Parenthood at this daytime dance party featuring Nicholas.AM, Jordi Iven, Need & Necessity, Marite and Ramy.
Plan A: Planned Parenthood open bar and fundraiser
Dobbin Street
64 Dobbin St., Greenpoint
$100 and up
The tickets to this one are pricy but the trade off is great: The money goes to Planned Parenthood, and the ticket gets you a night of cathartic dancing, art-making, raffles and a four-hour open bar, during which you can definitely drink your money’s worth of booze.
Queer Soup Night
Pels Pies
446 Rogers, PLG
Hot soup for everyone’s soul: Go eat soup, have some drinks and be with your fellow queers and allies to help raise money for Callen-Lorde Community Health Center at Pels Pies, one of our favorite places in all of Brooklyn (tell Alison we sent you!). Suggested donation for soup (plus bread and snacks) is $5-10.
Postcard Party
Matt Torrey’s
46 Bushwick Ave., East Williamsburg
Like the other postcard parties on this list, head to Matt Torrey’s for a chance to write a postcard to send to an elected official of your choice about the issues you care about. Organizers will provide blank postcards, pens and markers, plus a list of potential recipients and their addresses. They’ll even mail ’em for you. Bring a small $2-$5 donation if you can to help pay for stamps. Snacks and art supplies welcome too.
Women’s March Postcard Party
Hudson Guild
441 W. 26th St., Manhattan
Admission: five or more postage stamps
Channel your energy from the Women’s March into this event to send written messages to members of Congress. Bring art supplies, snacks, stamps and your righteous anger. Sign up and find more details here.
JAN. 31
Black Lives Matter Art Show
The Living Gallery BK
1094 Broadway, Bushwick
This one-day pop up art show features Carla Cubit’s Black Lives Matter artwork and posters along with her photographs from Black Lives Matter protests throughout the NYC area and artwork from Museum of Impact. Free posters will be available from The Stop Mass Incarceration Network. Handmade Black Lives Matter necklaces, magnets, key chains and pins will be on sale for $1. The opening reception from 7-1opm features performances by Welf Dorr of underground horns, Ras Moshe Burnett, Kenny Wollesen, open jam session and a speaker from Museum of Impact.
If you know of any fundraisers or anti-Trump events we missed, email us: tip[at]brokelyn.com!